the lxd-method is based on the learning experience design principls, which were developed through research on products and their development and psychological studies.
spark curiosity
LXD principle 1

products that spark our curiosity appear interesting to us and can become objects of desire. as a result, we interact with the products in a more natural way, and the information we take in is stored more easily.
enjoyment in use
LXD principle 2

users learn more easily if the objects and their usage are enjoyable. this can happen through classic gamification, but it could also be a perfectly balanced spoon that feels just right in the hand, or a mechanism that's simply fun to use.
do it yourself
LXD principle 3

when we perform tasks ourselves, we learn naturally by doing - this is how humans function. if products are fully automated and require minimal human input, the lack of skill use leads to the loss of those abilities.
show connections
LXD principle 4

products that are transparent and communicate openly are best suited for learning. this can mean making things visible, such as construction details or functionality, but also placing other topics and products in context with one another.
challenge users
LXD principle 5

products do not always have to be as simple as possible in their design and handling. a manageable challenge encourages users and leads to better learning outcomes. however, it's important to consider carefully when and how to implement these challenges, as it depends on the context and the users.
avoid overwhelming users
LXD principle 6

frustration is highly detrimental to learning. it is important not to overwhelm people, as this leads to cognitive overload. a clear and intuitive user interface along with straightforward communication is essential.the key is to find the right balance between challenging and not overwhelming the users.
the learning experience design method consists of 4 steps which can be integrated in any design process.
the method is a useful tool which enables designers and companies to intentionally  shape the learning experience through their products and not leave it to the  influence of the users‘ prior knowledge and skills.
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